Monday, April 9, 2007
Ladybug Lessons for Mathematics
I was surfing the net... minding my own business when I got on this site. And I saw this lesson for maths and I couldn't resist to share with you... My own children are a bit too young for this but I am keeping it in my favorites...
Personal blog of a homeschool family. We love to travel with our RV when we can. Fishing, discovering new places, photography are some of our favourite activities!
Blog Archive
- Back home, sick and school field trip tomorrow.
- Back home, sick and school field trip tomorrow
- inSPIRE week-end
- inSPIRE week-end...
- Congrats to my friend Heidi - Blogger of the week!
- Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
- Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
- Homeschooling Conference Apr 2007
- Happy 10th "Officially Going-Out" Anniversary!
- Homeschooling Conference
- Happy 10th "Officially Going-Out" Anniversary!
- What a week so far...
- What a week so far....
- Parenting Matters Conference
- Parenting-Matters conference... Next week
- Snow, snow, go away, come back another day
- Snow... Snow... Go away! Come back in December....
- Life goes fast
- Life goes fast...
- Our field trip at the Museum of Science and Techno...
- How can you be comfortable?
- Easter Day picture
- Our field Trip to the Museum of Sciences and Techn...
- How can you be comfortable???
- Easter day picture...
- One of these days...
- Having a sick child at home?
- One of those days...
- Back from the field trip and another toy to test
- Field trip at the Museum of Science and Technology
- Back from the field trip... and another toy to test.
- Field Trip to the Museum of Science and Technology
- A new book for the kids
- A new book for the kids
- Ladybug lesson for Maths...
- Proud and emotional moment!
- A trip to the French bookstore
- Technology!!!
- Couple project!
- Ladybug Lessons for Mathematics
- Proud and Emotional Moment
- A trip to the French bookstore
- Technology
- Couple project
- Happy Easter
- Happy Easter!
- Snow??!!??
- Snow???
- Contest at
- Chickenpox anyone?
- Grace-Based Parenting
- Grace-Based Parenting
- Toy Testing...
- More Toy Testing
- Construction ZONE! Part 2
- Construction Zone ... part 2
- I'm back and rested
- I'm back... and rested a bit