Monday, May 23, 2011
Geography Lesson using the Rubik’s Cube
A while back – make that a couple of years ago… – I stumble on this page and found a fun geographic activity to do with your kids using a Rubik’s Cube. Yes that very same toy that was popular back in the 80s… I had one back then. We have one now… and no it is not the same one I used to play with back in the days. Anyhow, I thought it would be cool to share the information I found on because as homeschoolers we always are on the look out to spice up our lessons right?
So go ahead, check out the link above and have fun with your kids…
Personal blog of a homeschool family. We love to travel with our RV when we can. Fishing, discovering new places, photography are some of our favourite activities!
Blog Archive
- 365 Project–Day 147
- 365 Project–Day 146
- 365 Project–Day 145
- 365 Project–Day 144
- 365 Project–Day 143
- 365 Project–Day 142
- Block Party in June featuring the Cowguys!
- Three years of adventure and discovery
- 365 Project–Day 141
- Geocaching with your family
- 365 Project–Day 140
- 365 Project–Day 139
- Exploring the countries where persecution exists
- Geography Lesson using the Rubik’s Cube
- 365 Project–Day 138
- 365 Project–Day 137
- 365 Project–Day 136
- 365 Project–Day 135
- 365 Project–Day 134
- Studying
- Prayers needed for a case at the Supreme Court
- TOBYMAC in town
- 365 Project–Day 133 My good find at Value Village
- 365 Project–Day 132 Someone new in our house
- 365 Project–Day 131
- 365 Project- Day 130
- 365 Project–Day 129
- Counting down the days…
- It pays to be patient
- 365 Project–Day 128
- 365 Project–Day 127
- 365 Project–Day 126
- 365 Project–Day 125
- 365 Project–Day 124
- 365 Project–Day 123
- 365 Project–Day 122
- 365 Project–Day 121
- 365 Project–Day 120
- 365 Project–Day 119
- 365 Project–Day 118