Update on the prayer request for Matt
25. All his life in front of him... Accepted Christ a week ago today. Then sickness. Got an infection in DR while on a mission trip with our church. In hospital since then. His heart is affected. Coded twice. Brought back twice by the doctors. In isolation since Monday. Waiting for blood results...
But great news... He is now in a room!
See the update I got this afternoon.
Matt was moved from CCU late last night to a room in the Heart Institute. He is still in isolation, but is now on a portable heart monitor which is allowing him to get out of bed and move about the room. His spirit are greatly improved. He is now on IV anti-biotics and heart medication to keep his heart rythm stable. There should be some more info following blood and test results later this afternoon or tomorrow. Continue to keep him in your prayers. He is very grateful for all the care and prayers on his behalf. Pray for healing, no heart damage and restoration to complete health. Pray that the Lord would reveal His plan for Matt's life and that his faith would be made stronger through this experience.
God is amazing! I'm sure he has great plans for Matt. Matt doesn't know it yet. Talk about a testimony!

Update on the prayer request for Matt
- that there be no damage to the heart
- that God will heal and take away the chest pain
- that Matt will remain calm and cooperative with the hospital staff. He is confused and frustrated and doesn't want to be there.
- Matt accepted the Lord into his heart on the DR trip and is confused as to why this is happening to him. Please pray that God will speak to him and will give him a peace that surpasses all understanding
- that Donna and Mike will feel God's comforting presence
- for rest for Donna and Mike as they have not slept yet
Thanks to everyone who is praying!

Happy Birthday Dominic!
Dominic is turning 4 years old today! Amazing how time flies sometimes...
I love you buddy. May God guide you every day of your life.
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Prayers asked...
Whoever read this, please pray for the son of the counsellor at our church. Matt went to a Mission trip to DR with our church. His mom and step-father were there as well. We have a partnership with a chuch in Monte Llallo through Compassion Canada.
Anyhow, this was the second trip in DR our church made. Both times, Matt was there. This time though, on Friday February 22nd, it seems that he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. They came back on Saturday.
During the week-end he wasn't feeling well. At first they thought of a possible virus. His mom brought him to the hospital and he got transferred to the Heart Institute. Looks like he has a condition caused by a virus in his heart. There is heart problems in the family. Because he was in a foreign country and because of the virus, he is in a isolation area which means that whoever visits must wear gown and mask...
Today in the early afternoon he coded. Doctors were able to bring him back.
At 530pm he coded again.... Again the doctors werre able to bring him back.
Please bring for him. Pray also for his mom, Donna, and her husband, Mike. Pray for healing and comfort. Pray for a miracle for this brand new christian.
He is in his mid-twenties from what I understand.
God can heal. I know he can. Either way, it will be an amazing testimony. Personally, I would prefer having him telling this testimony. But it is in God's hands.
Thank you for praying.

Surgery coming...
You must be wondering what I am talking about. I finally met the specialist for my foot after more than a year and a half of waiting. She is the best in town so I guess I'm in good hands...
You see bunions run in the family... both sides. I got my left foot operated on when I was 18 years old. This time it is for the right foot.
Got my x-rays done two weeks ago... and I had to picked them up before going to see the specialist.
Wanna see?
Wish I could have taken a picture of the procedure she will do... She wrote on the x-rays with a white pencil while she was explaining. It would have been cool to show you... Anyhow, the side part of the bone will be cut, the part above it will be moved and a small part of the bone replaced with what she removed, also the big toe will be broken and move to the proper position.
Date of the surgery: November 26th, 2008 thanks to a cancellation. If it wouldn't have been because of the cancellation, I would have had to wait another year... In the meantime, I pray the pain won't be too bad... Since I saw her, my foot hurt on and off.
Rob even asked me to ask my mom to come over for two weeks...
NOTE: BTW the title of my surgery is: Right Forefoot Reconstruction and Bone Graft... Boy all this to say - remove a bunion and reposition the toe...
Makeover anyone?
So I had sort of forgot about this but in October 2006, hubby and I went to Alberta to meet the CCSB and while there we drove up the Rockies and went to Edmonton. At the West Edmonton Mall there was a booth to get your picture done with a makeover... LOL It was so fun!!! Anyhow, this is what came out of the machine.
Then this morning, a friend of mine posted some makeover pictures from InStyle website. So I wanted to do it as well... LOL check it out yourself...
Now, I challenge everyone who is reading this blog to do the same!!! Let's have a bit of fun! Please let me know how it turns out....

More experiments...
Well... I've squetched a couple of more pictures... and I decided to try something else this time. So I took my colored pencil "Prismacolor" and sat down yesterday to start my second drawing - this time tulips...
So I did the flowers yesterday and this morning I did the stems and the leaves while Alexandre was doing some school... After we did his first part of Je Lis... J'écris book 2 I was able to finish the drawing while he was practicing some writing.
The result is this....
I like to think that the four tulips represent my own kids...
To be honest, I'm starting to like this...

Discovering a new passion?
Last week, a girl in our H.E.A.T. group had some watercolors and was painting. I thought it was cool and Rob thought I should get myself some paint, brushes and paper to do that as well. So at a store this week I bought some Crayola paint and paper... already had some brushes for the kids.
Yesterday I did my first drawing... based on a card. It's a cardinal - a common bird here in Ontario. My first impression is that it's not perfect... but hey it is my first painting.
Rob would like me to take some painting courses. Me... I'm afraid. Afraid to discover I really enjoy this and afraid at the cost to get started... Painting can get really expensive. So for now, I stick to what I have... I know the paint I got is not the best... and the brushes I have are not great... after all what can I expect from brushes bought at a dollar store... but for now I practice!
I've sketched two other drawings... tulips and a ladybug. Now I need to paint them.
Did I discover a talent that I didn't know I had? Maybe... I need to pursue this to make sure.

Pathetic but true...
For those of you who don't know I have a Master degree in Information Techonology... Now what is pathetic is that I just figured out how to created my own avatar... DuH! I downloaded a little software and it made it by itself... And I uploaded it on my profile so now when I will post some comments I won't have the generic image.
To be honest, I never investigate much but I would love to have something special for my blog... But I lack the courage to experiment or to create. Love to scrapbook but don't have much time... so do you think I will have time to "update" my blog.... NOT!
So for now, it will stays like that... Maybe I should post some pics of my ladybug collection... The latest addition is my watch! Just got it last Friday at Wal-Mart... So cute with the ladybug ticking for every seconds passing by. Love it!

Thanks goodness for friends in the States!
Yesterday it was the last day of January sale at Leapfrog.com and I also had a 20% coupon from Homeschool Buyers Co-Op to use on that specific day.
However, when I was going through my order, I realized I couldn't get it shipped to Canada. So I e-mailed my friend Heidi and asked her if I could get it shipped to her place and then her ship it to me after. No problem she said.
So after I came back from Downtown because I had to get my health card renewed and a picture taken, I continue with the order while hubby prepares lunch. He also looked at the things on sale and added some... Well believe it or not, that website knew that my credit card was not from the states and wouldn't allow me to continue... Bummer!
So after lunch and feeding the baby, I picked up the phone and called my friend... She was surprised to hear my voice since we mostly communicate via e-mails or our blogs... I'm glad I was able to talk to her. Wish I could visit soon... we shall see how long it takes to have Jasmine's birth registration to order the birth certificate and then how long to get the birth certificate to get a passport... Long process believe me!
Anyhow, Heidi agreed to order the stuff and we did it on the phone. We then send her the payment via paypal. Technology is GREAT! It is so easy... When she will ship it to me she will let me know how much and then we will send her payment for shipping via paypal again.
Now I am waiting patiently (yah right!) for the LeapPad books we just ordered... I'm so excited that I can't wait to see how my own kids will react to this.
I wonder if they will arrive before Dominic's birthday at the end of the month as we have some for him in there...
HEIDI you were a blessing for us yesterday!!! Thanks again for your help!