Monday, June 13, 2011

One Thousand Gifts


Today I want to start something new.

Recently I have received a book to review titled “One Thousand Gifts”.  The author also has a website- – and a blog -

The object of the exercise in this book is to see the blessings you have.  Sometimes, in the midst of dealing with issues in life and living our day-to-day life, we tend to miss on the little things that God our Father has put in our life.

So starting today, I will try to weekly ponder and think of how God has blessed me over the past week.

1. my relationship with God himself and how He speaks to me

2. my husband

3. my four kids

4. the silly things the kids say sometimes… the other day my daughter Jasmine was helping her dad to bring things in our RV.  She is 3 years old.   We have a Japanese Lilac in front of our house – courtesy of the city when we moved in.   The bush is big and has many leaves.    So she was talking to her dad and mentioned the leaves on the tree.   Suddenly she said “This leave has lots of friends to play with and talk to.”   *grin*

5. The blue heron who flew literally right in front of our truck to land in a little strip of water while we were driving.

6. That little turtle that I saw on the side of the road.   She was on her way to cross it… sure hope she made it on the other side alive.

7. The rain falling and dancing on the roof of our RV (Wish it rains in Ottawa too because our sector is under a water ban until possibly mid-July.)

8. God’s protection on the road when one of the tire on the RV blown up.   We had to change it… (Personally I was glad my husband was with me!)

9. Vacation time…

10. Having seen some robin eggs for the first time this year.

11. Our house on the road and its comfort.

12. Being able to review books/products.

13. Being an official blogger of Woodall’s

14. Being able to homeschool

15. Warm blankets over you at night.

16. The laugh of my kids

17. The silly faces they make for fun

18. Fuzzy socks.

19. The rabbits visiting our backyard sometimes.

20. The nature surroundings us.

Next Monday, I will continue the list.

Psalms 69:30

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving.

Thank You, LORD.


Personal blog of a homeschool family. We love to travel with our RV when we can. Fishing, discovering new places, photography are some of our favourite activities!

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