Friday, September 14, 2007


We are getting the van back today... hopefully if someone comes and pick up my husband to go get it that is... It is amazing how much you realize how nice your vehicule is even though it is an older model...

But the motor has been changed...  ended up changing other stuff too but they did not called about that before hand.  So we told them that usually you should call before changing anything else...  as if!   So they removed one hour of labour because of that...

Got a call from the contract we have been waiting for...  Technically, the boys can start next Monday.  Which is good news but we want the contract in hand before we go in.  

Now we need to pray seriously about what to do with that truck we are looking at...  Black Suburban... really nice too!   We were waiting for that contract to come in to decide...  So we will talk about it later.


Personal blog of a homeschool family. We love to travel with our RV when we can. Fishing, discovering new places, photography are some of our favourite activities!


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