Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Update on the prayer request for Matt

As you know, Matt coded twice yesterday and by the grace of God, the doctors were able to revive him both times. There may have been heart damage due to this.


He suffered severe chest pains prior to each episode. He was stable throughout the night but is again currently suffering chest pains.


Please pray:

  • that there be no damage to the heart

  • that God will heal and take away the chest pain

  • that Matt will remain calm and cooperative with the hospital staff. He is confused and frustrated and doesn't want to be there.

  • Matt accepted the Lord into his heart on the DR trip and is confused as to why this is happening to him. Please pray that God will speak to him and will give him a peace that surpasses all understanding

  • that Donna and Mike will feel God's comforting presence

  • for rest for Donna and Mike as they have not slept yet

Thanks to everyone who is praying!


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