When it rains, it pours...
LOL - I am not talking rain per say but more like contests winning...
First earlier this week, I learned that I won the baby of 2007 contest at www.momsmoments.ca which gave me a 25$ gift certificate at www.amazon.ca ! I spent it the same day on books for the kids... LOL What can I say I can't resist. No really, these books will go with my library of Come Sit By Me activities - things I really wanted or can't find at the city library.
Then this morning in my inbox I had a message from my dear friend HEIDI who was letting me know that I had won a devotion book from her website. To be honest I really need something to get back into my devotions... Not sure where my time is going lately but boy I am busy... I see docteur appointments left and right for the next few weeks... They are either for hubby, me or one of the kids... but it has to be done. Finally got my appointment with the foot specialist to check out my bunion - took a year and a half believe it or not. Then Alex has an appointment with the eye specialist to see if he has strabismus like Dominic... These are just a few examples of what I mean by having appointments left and right...