Days of frustration
That's when I lifted my eyes and saw plastic containers in the parking lot. Driving to the grocery story to get some margarine and other little things, more garbages everywhere on the ground.
Literally pisses me off... I just can't believe how people are selfish sometimes. Now if I would have had some platic gloves, I might have picked a few but with the quantity I saw all the way back home (including parks mind you), I would have work from the next 4 months I think.
Personally, I try very hard to make the effort to keep my garbage in the van and to throw them when I see a garbage bin or at home. If everyone would do this, I think our environment would be a little bit better... don't you think?

Today is a day of frustration... I dropped off Alexandre as his day camp and then I went to the pharmacy to mail something. Well going out, I spot the garbage bin and on the ground next to it, empty container from DQ and McDonald's. No really... how hard is it to put the darn stuff IN the garbage instead than on the ground...
That's when I lifted my eyes and saw plastic containers in the parking lot. Driving to the grocery story to get some margarine and other little things, more garbages everywhere on the ground.
Literally pisses me off... I just can't believe how people are selfish sometimes. Now if I would have had some platic gloves, I might have picked a few but with the quantity I saw all the way back home (including parks mind you), I would have work from the next 4 months I think.
Personally, I try very hard to make the effort to keep my garbage in the van and to throw them when I see a garbage bin or at home. If everyone would do this, I think our environment would be a little bit better... don't you think?

News from Thailand
We have friends who are missionaries in Thailand. Joane was expecting their fifth child and gave birth this week to another girl... They have five girls and one boy (a little Thai boy they want to adopt). Five girls... Can you believe it? Joane is homeschooling the two eldest and is a busy mom.
Anyhow, they are doing great work in Thailand and I thought some of you would like to know more about what they are doing. See their website... Little Brown Bus for more details...
The Browns... we miss you and hope the whole family is doing well. Congratulations again in the birth of Zahra Misa!!!
Love from Canada

Eight Random facts or habits(I've been Tagged!)
TAG RULES: All right, here are the rules. 2. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 3. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 4. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 5. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog ************************** I have been tagged by someone I don't know... So here's my 8 random facts/habits...
So I am tagging the following friends: ReviewsbyHeidi, anissa, 3boyz, homefree, BChsMamaof3, kympossible, 01charger, ajl3. |

News from Thailand...
We have friends who are missionaries in Thailand. Joane was expecting their fifth child and gave birth this week to another girl... They have five girls and one boy (a little Thai boy they want to adopt). Five girls... Can you believe it? Joane is homeschooling the two eldest and is a busy mom.
Anyhow, they are doing great work in Thailand and I thought some of you would like to know more about what they are doing. See their website... Little Brown Bus for more details...
The Browns... we miss you and hope the whole family is doing well. Congratulations again in the birth of Zahra Misa!!!
Love from Canada

Meet Nicky and Max... the webkinz of the family!

Blueberry picking
Yesterday, we decided to go for blueberry picking at the Blueberry Ranch. MmmM!
The kids enjoyed it and we came back home with tons of these little berries. So delicious with ice cream! So tasty just fresh from the bush.

Ever heard of Webkinz? It is some stuff toy that Ganz is selling with a special code to access their Webkinz world. Alexandre got the BullFrog for his birthday from some friends of ours. The whole family is now "addicted" to the games. Don't take me wrong though... We have a good addiction per say... We control the access of the website and we do it as a family once in a while. At first we were wondering what the heck is this??? but now, I can see the positive in the whole thing like for example, you need to work ie play games to get some money so that you can buy some food or bed or any other thing to keep you webkinz healthy.
Meet Nicky and Max... the webkinz of the family!
Nicky is the bullfrog. Max is his new friend the black bear... I told you how Nicky came into our life. But Max came into our life this week-end. Alexandre received some money for his birthday and it was a big debate on what he would buy with it.... Boy did he ever went back and forth with his ideas... But this week-end, knowing we were going to the Blueberry Ranch, he wanted to buy a littleKinz for his brother Dominic. We talked to him about it to make sure that's what he really wanted to do with his birthday money and he was very decided about it. So when we were at the Blueberry Ranch, they went straight to the Webkinz display and Dominic picked the black bear. While Alexandre was paying for the purchase, Dominic proudly told the lady at the cash that the bear's name was Max... How cute!
Now, I am very proud of Alexandre for sharing and giving something to his brother. And we made sure that Dominic needs to be extra nice to his big brother... Next thing we know is that while leaving the Blueberry Ranch, Alexandre just said that he wanted to make some more money so that he can buy one for Jérémy as well...
My mother's heart just melted... How sweet of him!

Field trip: Blueberry picking
Yesterday, we decided to go for blueberry picking at the Blueberry Ranch. MmmM!
The kids enjoyed it and we came back home with tons of these little berries. So delicious with ice cream! So tasty just fresh from the bush.

It's raining.... it's pouring...
Okay it doesn't rhyme much...
So this morning (very early actually) I got woke up but thunder and rain. From that point on to the waking up of kids... I doze on and off. So bottom line is that I am a bit tired.
No matter this, I did some homeschooling this morning. We started with devotions both for him and ME. Much needed I must say since it calmed my spirit and I was more patient afterward. Jérémy wanted to climb on me or on the table so at 10am I decided to put him to bed. He seemed tired somehow. It did calm him down. I know he is moving right now and I should go get him... but I will finish this first.
So this morning after my devotion was done, we started with English phonics. We completed one section of the book. Alexandre was excited to put his stickers in. Oh the magic of stickers.... I wonder until which age it will work???
After that, we watched lesson 11 from Math U See and did the exercises in the book. The kid is so confident that he do not want to use the blocks... I told him that next lesson is addition and he will have to use the blocks. So then he started to use them. He need to associate the colors to the numbers. So he did that as well as writing and saying the number.
In the meantime, Dominic, 3 years old, wanted to do his preschool book. He is not always listening but he did his Bs and his Cs with a break between the two looking at phonics books...
When Alexandre was done with his maths, I made him read the first booklet of Fun with Phonics that we have. There was some words he didn't know so I will have to redo it sometime. But it was a good start I think.
This week, we also did a bit of French but not as much as I would have liked.
Next week, as I said in an earlier post, Alexandre will go to a VBS Sports Camp. So Phys Ed and Jesus are on the menu.
OH!!! I almost forgot... Got to drop off some books and a toy this week and we got another toy to test. It is from LeapFrog and it is called WORDLAUNCH. The amazing thing is that it is based on phonics and reading in English. HORRAY! A fun thing to test and at the same time to learn with.

It's raining.... it's pouring...
... so we're not going for camping... today anyway!
Okay it doesn't rhyme much...
So this morning (very early actually) I got woke up but thunder and rain. From that point on to the waking up of kids... I doze on and off. So bottom line is that I am a bit tired.
No matter this, I did some homeschooling this morning. We started with devotions both for him and ME. Much needed I must say since it calmed my spirit and I was more patient afterward. Jérémy wanted to climb on me or on the table so at 10am I decided to put him to bed. He seemed tired somehow. It did calm him down. I know he is moving right now and I should go get him... but I will finish this first.
So this morning after my devotion was done, we started with English phonics. We completed one section of the book. Alexandre was excited to put his stickers in. Oh the magic of stickers.... I wonder until which age it will work???
After that, we watched lesson 11 from Math U See and did the exercises in the book. The kid is so confident that he do not want to use the blocks... I told him that next lesson is addition and he will have to use the blocks. So then he started to use them. He need to associate the colors to the numbers. So he did that as well as writing and saying the number.
In the meantime, Dominic, 3 years old, wanted to do his preschool book. He is not always listening but he did his Bs and his Cs with a break between the two looking at phonics books...
When Alexandre was done with his maths, I made him read the first booklet of Fun with Phonics that we have. There was some words he didn't know so I will have to redo it sometime. But it was a good start I think.
This week, we also did a bit of French but not as much as I would have liked.
Next week, as I said in an earlier post, Alexandre will go to a VBS Sports Camp. So Phys Ed and Jesus are on the menu.
OH!!! I almost forgot... Got to drop off some books and a toy this week and we got another toy to test. It is from LeapFrog and it is called WORDLAUNCH. The amazing thing is that it is based on phonics and reading in English. HORRAY! A fun thing to test and at the same time to learn with.

Taking it easy...
It was nice also to spend time with my sister-in-law a leisure we don't do often unfortunately even though we live close by. But we are both busy... So I relaxed on the homeschooling front today.
After the park, I drove to the library to borrow the rest of the books that came in from transfers from other libraries... In there was The Art of Robert Bateman (all about birds...), Emma's Eggs, The Kids Canadian Bug Book, The Kids Canadian Bird Book, The Short Tree and The Bird that Could Not Sing, Playing with Plasticine and Fun with Modeling Clay.
Before nap time, I read the Ugly Duckling. After naptime, I will ask Alexandre to do his Devotion... as well as something else. Not sure if it will be English or French or Maths. We shall see.
Next week, VBS and Sports Camp hosted by our church in another church because we don't have a facility yet. We are currently looking for land to purchase. But other churches in the area are nice to allow us to use their facility once in a while...
Husband told me I was doing a great job at homeschooling but my problem was about managing conflicts... Mmmm! That makes sense... I was raised alone. Yep! I am an only child. Never had siblings. So I lack on this side I guess. I need to learn somehow to diffuse conflicts especially with my strong-willed child - Dominic. Any advices???
PS I read the book from Dr. Dobson and I should probably read it again...

Taking it easy...
Got a call last night with an invitation to get together with my sister-in-law, my nephew and the little girl that she and her husband would like to adopt. So this morning we went to the park and let the kids have fun. I had meet the little girl once or twice before but not a lot so it was nice to see how she was. She is the same age as Jérémy. So it was cute to see them play together...
It was nice also to spend time with my sister-in-law a leisure we don't do often unfortunately even though we live close by. But we are both busy... So I relaxed on the homeschooling front today.
After the park, I drove to the library to borrow the rest of the books that came in from transfers from other libraries... In there was The Art of Robert Bateman (all about birds...), Emma's Eggs, The Kids Canadian Bug Book, The Kids Canadian Bird Book, The Short Tree and The Bird that Could Not Sing, Playing with Plasticine and Fun with Modeling Clay.
Before nap time, I read the Ugly Duckling. After naptime, I will ask Alexandre to do his Devotion... as well as something else. Not sure if it will be English or French or Maths. We shall see.
Next week, VBS and Sports Camp hosted by our church in another church because we don't have a facility yet. We are currently looking for land to purchase. But other churches in the area are nice to allow us to use their facility once in a while...
Husband told me I was doing a great job at homeschooling but my problem was about managing conflicts... Mmmm! That makes sense... I was raised alone. Yep! I am an only child. Never had siblings. So I lack on this side I guess. I need to learn somehow to diffuse conflicts especially with my strong-willed child - Dominic. Any advices???
PS I read the book from Dr. Dobson and I should probably read it again...

I am doing good???
Yesterday was another story... I knew I had an appointment for him at the doctor. Poor child has some warts under his feet. So we are treating them. But the appointment was at 9:15am. So we planned to go to the chiro before hand. After much wait, I decided at 9am to leave because of the other appointment... We had being thinking to swithc chiro to one closer to home. One who goes to our church as well. Anyhow, the wait made us decide to go ahead with the switch. So we came back home and it was almost lunch... I had a errand to do after the appointment. So not much schooling. What we did, you might ask... Well, devotion has been done, we talked about different ways a birds can move,... and we listened to a CD about the different songs birds can do (differents birds as well). I think they liked it.
Today... well, devotion has been done. so far... we had our appointment with the new chiro... Just came back about 20 minutes ago. The older kids are outside playing, enjoying the sun. Alexandre is not feeling like doing school right now. Me I don't feel good.
Maybe I am hard on myself... I had planned so many things for this week... Next week, it will be VBS and Sports Camp.
Well, the kids are back in. It is getting warm outside.... So we are doing the phonics book.

I am doing good???
I've being wondering if I am gifted to teach my kids... Monday was great! We read a few books on birds and Alexandre did his devotion, we talked about what makes a bird a bird and we talked and read some verses in the bible where birds are involved. We look at two differents books on birds as well, one that is really neat showing off the differents feathers or eggs that birds can have. Oh and he worked on his phonics book as well.
Yesterday was another story... I knew I had an appointment for him at the doctor. Poor child has some warts under his feet. So we are treating them. But the appointment was at 9:15am. So we planned to go to the chiro before hand. After much wait, I decided at 9am to leave because of the other appointment... We had being thinking to swithc chiro to one closer to home. One who goes to our church as well. Anyhow, the wait made us decide to go ahead with the switch. So we came back home and it was almost lunch... I had a errand to do after the appointment. So not much schooling. What we did, you might ask... Well, devotion has been done, we talked about different ways a birds can move,... and we listened to a CD about the different songs birds can do (differents birds as well). I think they liked it.
Today... well, devotion has been done. so far... we had our appointment with the new chiro... Just came back about 20 minutes ago. The older kids are outside playing, enjoying the sun. Alexandre is not feeling like doing school right now. Me I don't feel good.
Maybe I am hard on myself... I had planned so many things for this week... Next week, it will be VBS and Sports Camp.
Well, the kids are back in. It is getting warm outside.... So we are doing the phonics book.

Homeschooling this week...
So bird study... I went to the library the other day to pick up some books I asked to be put aside and went in the kids section to see if I could find anything interesting about birds. Found a lot actually... Took some including a nice book detailing feathers and eggs and nests. I think the boys will like it.
They went to bed late (VERY late) last night after coming back from a little fishing trip with daddy. This morning they are up at their usual time. I fear some grumpiness and some impatience later. So I asked them to understand that they might be more tired than usual... Alexandre is having breakfast right now. So I am waiting for him to be done.
On another note, yesterday morning before church, we moved one bed in the new room and put up the bed for Dominic. My sister-in-law and her family came over for lunch and her husband helped mine to bring down the desk that was in there. Now I just have to figure out where to put the boxes and empty the wardrobe... and find a place for the games. Rats! When you think you are almost done, somehow it slows down... Go figure. We also need to buy a darkening blind for that room. And take an appointment for the van - our extended warranty is almost done so we want to make sure everything works fine. If something is wrong and covered by the warranty then we will get it fix NOW!

Homeschooling this week...
Well, Well... This is my testing week. Doing a unit study on birds... Love birds... Yesterday we had a goldfinch coming in the backyard. So beautiful. The lady was close by. Showed it to the boys for the first time. We usually get Robins but this was a nice change...
So bird study... I went to the library the other day to pick up some books I asked to be put aside and went in the kids section to see if I could find anything interesting about birds. Found a lot actually... Took some including a nice book detailing feathers and eggs and nests. I think the boys will like it.
They went to bed late (VERY late) last night after coming back from a little fishing trip with daddy. This morning they are up at their usual time. I fear some grumpiness and some impatience later. So I asked them to understand that they might be more tired than usual... Alexandre is having breakfast right now. So I am waiting for him to be done.
On another note, yesterday morning before church, we moved one bed in the new room and put up the bed for Dominic. My sister-in-law and her family came over for lunch and her husband helped mine to bring down the desk that was in there. Now I just have to figure out where to put the boxes and empty the wardrobe... and find a place for the games. Rats! When you think you are almost done, somehow it slows down... Go figure. We also need to buy a darkening blind for that room. And take an appointment for the van - our extended warranty is almost done so we want to make sure everything works fine. If something is wrong and covered by the warranty then we will get it fix NOW!

Tackling it!
>Yep! We decided to stay home this week-end. Not knowing what to do, we decided to tackle some work to be done in the house. Result? The extra room is almost converted for Alexandre and Jérémy... The queen bed is down (really in the basement), Jérémy's mattress is upstairs as well as the other single bed for Dominic. The bookcase is now in my office and organized for homeschooling... Still need to do some work in the office but I'm happy this is done. The desk that was in the guest room is emptied.
What's need to be done? Lots... but hey we do have a few more months.
- Empty the wardrobe in the guest room and transfer Jérémy's clothes in there
- Buy a darkening blind for the bedroom
- Transferring the beds of the bunkbed into that room and putting the bed of Dominic's up
- Finishing organizing my office...
- Finishing taking pictures of the old art of Alexandre
- Filing the personal and business paperwork
- Finish to empty the plastic filing cabinet for the bedroom upstairs.
- Figuring out where to put our games because right now they are on the shelf in the wardrobe...
We got blessed with a desk from our pastor this week. We will put it in Alexandre's room so that he can go do some school (most likely math for now and some computer as well). It is quite nice to be honest.

Tackling it!
Yep! We decided to stay home this week-end. Not knowing what to do, we decided to tackle some work to be done in the house. Result? The extra room is almost converted for Alexandre and Jérémy... The queen bed is down (really in the basement), Jérémy's mattress is upstairs as well as the other single bed for Dominic. The bookcase is now in my office and organized for homeschooling... Still need to do some work in the office but I'm happy this is done. The desk that was in the guest room is emptied.
What's need to be done? Lots... but hey we do have a few more months.
- Empty the wardrobe in the guest room and transfer Jérémy's clothes in there
- Buy a darkening blind for the bedroom
- Transferring the beds of the bunkbed into that room and putting the bed of Dominic's up
- Finishing organizing my office...
- Finishing taking pictures of the old art of Alexandre
- Filing the personal and business paperwork
- Finish to empty the plastic filing cabinet for the bedroom upstairs.
- Figuring out where to put our games because right now they are on the shelf in the wardrobe...
We got blessed with a desk from our pastor this week. We will put it in Alexandre's room so that he can go do some school (most likely math for now and some computer as well). It is quite nice to be honest.

Getting used to homeschooling...
We also go a new desk for his bedroom. Now I just have to find the time to organize the bedroom. I emptied the bookcase yesterday but before moving it in the office, I need to empty the transparent filing cabinet and bring it upstair (it is half empty already). So I have plans, just need to do it!!!
Right now the kids are watching a video on trains that we got with the Geo Tracks. It is very educative and they learn different aspects of trains. It rained and the backyard is all wet... Gonna wait this afternoon before putting them out! They went this morning after breakfast so it's not as though they didn't get fresh air yet!!!
I need to go to the Library to pick up some books I have put aside to start the Come Sit By Me next week. I am starting with the Birds unit. It is a perfect unit for the summer. After that, there is a bug unit I was to go through. Oh, I just remember that I have the Old Schoolhouse magazine with the bug units in it. PERFECT!
BUT at the same time, I am disturb with something. As for any other sites, I think you should be careful with the kind of information you put on I do have friends who posted their full address and phone number in there. Personally, I prefer not to... for various reasons but most specifically because there are sickos and weirdos in the world. Now, I am not freaking out here... we had a situation in our city with a murder and it could be linked to facebook somehow.
I prefer caution... Just as for the blog. Don't put too much information. At first, I had written where I lived but I realized that it would be preferable not too. So I went through all my entries and remove any references to where I live.
Having said that, you can control the information you put on Facebook and I think it is interesting to see how people are doing... Try it out... I think you will like it!

Getting used to homeschooling...
Yep! I am getting used to homeschooling slowly but surely... Last week was phys ed with the soccer camp of Athletes in Actions. This week we go through a Kindergarten workbook for phonics (never did any with Alexandre since he was going to French school), MathUSee this morning and my old book to learn to read in French. This morning was good... We did one lesson of MathUSee and 3 lessons from the learn to read book. Not so bad.
We also go a new desk for his bedroom. Now I just have to find the time to organize the bedroom. I emptied the bookcase yesterday but before moving it in the office, I need to empty the transparent filing cabinet and bring it upstair (it is half empty already). So I have plans, just need to do it!!!
Right now the kids are watching a video on trains that we got with the Geo Tracks. It is very educative and they learn different aspects of trains. It rained and the backyard is all wet... Gonna wait this afternoon before putting them out! They went this morning after breakfast so it's not as though they didn't get fresh air yet!!!
I need to go to the Library to pick up some books I have put aside to start the Come Sit By Me next week. I am starting with the Birds unit. It is a perfect unit for the summer. After that, there is a bug unit I was to go through. Oh, I just remember that I have the Old Schoolhouse magazine with the bug units in it. PERFECT!
Ever heard of this community site? It is quite addictive if you ask me but fun at the same time. You can find old friends which who you lost touch with or just keep in touch with regular friends.
BUT at the same time, I am disturb with something. As for any other sites, I think you should be careful with the kind of information you put on I do have friends who posted their full address and phone number in there. Personally, I prefer not to... for various reasons but most specifically because there are sickos and weirdos in the world. Now, I am not freaking out here... we had a situation in our city with a murder and it could be linked to facebook somehow.
I prefer caution... Just as for the blog. Don't put too much information. At first, I had written where I lived but I realized that it would be preferable not too. So I went through all my entries and remove any references to where I live.
Having said that, you can control the information you put on Facebook and I think it is interesting to see how people are doing... Try it out... I think you will like it!

Organizing, throwing and moving things around
We had a guest. She is gone - back home in the States. Now we are thinking of putting Alexandre and Jérémy in that room which means bringing the queen bed downstairs, removing the bookshelf which will go in the office, organize that bookshelf for homeschooling books and so on... Bringing the other single bed upstairs, moving the bunk beds in the bigger room, putting the other bed up for Dominic, reorganizing the room where Dominic will sleep... Eventually buy some furniture for the big bedroom with Alexandre and Jérémy but this will have to wait a bit... Our big contract won't start for another month or two.
Oh my! I see a HUGE mountain of things to be done. All this because we need to get organized for the arrival of the baby. But we have a bit of time, which means I can take it one day at a time. Today it was emptying a plastic container which contained a bunch of OLD paperwork from before I met my husband. A bunch went into the shredder... Some needs to be filed... Found an old ring of my grand-mother in the process. Not the greatest (not my style) but maybe we could get some cash for it eventually.
Now I am a bit tired... Definetively need a nap this afternoon!!!

Organizing, throwing and moving things around
I am currently in a major organization in this house... It all started with my crowded office. Too many papers around and stuff piling high on the desk. It was a wonder I was able to reach my computer. Now... It is more organized even though I still need to place things around. I have a transparent filing cabinet that needs to be emptied so that I can put it in the wardrobe of the guest room once it is emptied at its turn.
We had a guest. She is gone - back home in the States. Now we are thinking of putting Alexandre and Jérémy in that room which means bringing the queen bed downstairs, removing the bookshelf which will go in the office, organize that bookshelf for homeschooling books and so on... Bringing the other single bed upstairs, moving the bunk beds in the bigger room, putting the other bed up for Dominic, reorganizing the room where Dominic will sleep... Eventually buy some furniture for the big bedroom with Alexandre and Jérémy but this will have to wait a bit... Our big contract won't start for another month or two.
Oh my! I see a HUGE mountain of things to be done. All this because we need to get organized for the arrival of the baby. But we have a bit of time, which means I can take it one day at a time. Today it was emptying a plastic container which contained a bunch of OLD paperwork from before I met my husband. A bunch went into the shredder... Some needs to be filed... Found an old ring of my grand-mother in the process. Not the greatest (not my style) but maybe we could get some cash for it eventually.
Now I am a bit tired... Definetively need a nap this afternoon!!!
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday
In case you are wondering, he is indeed sleeping...

Discovery at the camping site
Discovery at the camping site
While camping this week-end (and waiting for our friends to come over... Thanks goodness for Shannon who pulled on the teeth a couple of times before it was loose enough for me to take it out! I'm a softy!!!), I discovered a ladybug with the kids. At first we took pictures with it on our hands but then I thought of my close-up feature on my camera and took a little piece of a tree (already on the ground) and decided to try to be artistic. I will let you judge my talents...

Stages of life...
This week-end, Alexandre went through a new stage of life... He had a tooth that has been wigglying since a while and it finally fell... He is so happy to have lost his first tooth!


The week so far...
This week was Phys Ed for Alexandre. All week he had a soccer camp with Athletes in Action. Today is the last day and there is a tournament. However, the forecast is saying rain and thunderstorm... Oh Oh! The tournament is from 11am until 2pm or so. So I am praying for rain to come down after that!
On another hand, I have another bronchitis... I am starting to wonder if I shouldn't get my ducts clean... Problem is we are low on contracts no to say there is no contracts these days... So we are buying the essentials only. Good news is, husband went to meet with someone for a contract yesterday BUT it won't be until August. OUCH! We are optimistic... It is always like this in the summer time and during Christmas time. So we wait patiently even though it is a bit stressful.
Next week, I am planning to do some homeschooling with Alexandre and bring the boys to the library to get some books. We do have some here at home but I am looking for some specific ones that goes with the Come Sit By Me curriculum. We shall start this slowly. With the baby coming sometime in December... (due date January 6 but c-section should be done 5-10 days before... OB said: "Not sure what sort of miracles we will do with this date!" but I trust in God...) I need to start early.

The week so far....
OUPS! Having trouble updating I guess... Must be the busyness of summer.
This week was Phys Ed for Alexandre. All week he had a soccer camp with Athletes in Action. Today is the last day and there is a tournament. However, the forecast is saying rain and thunderstorm... Oh Oh! The tournament is from 11am until 2pm or so. So I am praying for rain to come down after that!
On another hand, I have another bronchitis... I am starting to wonder if I shouldn't get my ducts clean... Problem is we are low on contracts no to say there is no contracts these days... So we are buying the essentials only. Good news is, husband went to meet with someone for a contract yesterday BUT it won't be until August. OUCH! We are optimistic... It is always like this in the summer time and during Christmas time. So we wait patiently even though it is a bit stressful.
Next week, I am planning to do some homeschooling with Alexandre and bring the boys to the library to get some books. We do have some here at home but I am looking for some specific ones that goes with the Come Sit By Me curriculum. We shall start this slowly. With the baby coming sometime in December... (due date January 6 but c-section should be done 5-10 days before... OB said: "Not sure what sort of miracles we will do with this date!" but I trust in God...) I need to start early.

Blog Archive
- Days of frustration
- Frustration...
- News from Thailand
- Eight Random facts or habits(I've been Tagged!)
- News from Thailand...
- Webkinz...
- Blueberry picking
- Webkinz...
- Field trip: Blueberry picking
- It's raining.... it's pouring...
- It's raining.... it's pouring...
- Taking it easy...
- Taking it easy...
- I am doing good???
- I am doing good???
- Homeschooling this week...
- Homeschooling this week...
- Tackling it!
- Tackling it!
- Getting used to homeschooling...
- Getting used to homeschooling...
- Organizing, throwing and moving things around
- Organizing, throwing and moving things around
- Wordless Wednesday
- Wordless Wednesday
- Discovery at the camping site
- Discovery at the camping site
- Stages of life...
- Toothless
- The week so far...
- The week so far....